Cognition, Vascular Function, and Physical Activity in Multiple Sclerosis (PACE MS)

a group of people jumping for a brain and heart

Cognitive dysfunction (e.g., slowed processing speed, reduced learning and memory) is a prevalent and burdensome consequence that affects approximately 67% of the nearly 1 million adults with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the United States. Physical activity (PA) represents a promising behavioral approach for managing cognitive impairment in MS. Yet, the mechanism underlying the PA–cognition association remains unclear, limiting our ability to develop effective interventions for managing this debilitating consequence.

Funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), the PACE MS study is examining the associations among cognition, vascular function, and free-living physical activity in adults with and without MS (18~54 years of age). This will help us understand whether/how physical activity might preserve cognition directly or indirectly through adaptations in vascular function among people with MS. Our research provides valuable information to guide the development of future interventions to manage MS symptoms and improve health-related quality of life.

  • Promote Physical Activity

  • Improve Cognition & Vascular Function

  • Enhance Health and Wellness

About the study Heading link

We are currently looking for participants who: a) age between 18 and 54 years old, 2) have MS diagnosis OR No diagnosis of MS, 3) able to walk without assistive devices, and 4) speak English as primary language.

The PACE MS consists of a single in-person laboratory visit to complete:

  • Neurocognitive testing (e.g., memory)
  • Non-invasive assessments of vascular function (e.g., blood pressure)
  • Physical function (e.g., walking and balance)
  • Body composition; MS-related and health questionnaires

Participants will also wear a physical activity monitor for a 1-week period under a free-living condition to measure activity levels.

Participants will receive $200 in compensation for completing the PACE MS study!

Sign up to participate

radius of 100 miles map

We are currently enrolling participants living within 200 miles of Chicago and surrounding areas (e.g., Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan), OR individuals who are able and willing to visit our laboratory for a single-time assessment!

Team Heading link

Peixuan Zheng

Principal Investigator

Dr. Zheng completed her PhD in Exercise Science at the University of Alabama and has obtained training in exercise physiology, biostatistics, physical activity epidemiology, and psychology. Currently, Dr. Zheng’s primary research interest is identifying the role of physical activity on prevalent and impactful consequences of multiple sclerosis, such as cognitive impairment and vascular dysfunction. She is passionate about implementing lifestyle interventions to help improve health and quality of life as well as manage the consequences of aging and MS.

Robert Motl

Faculty mentor 

Shane Phillips


Contact us Heading link

Peixuan Zheng, Principal Investigator

1919 W. Taylor St., 506H AHSB, (MC 517), Chicago, IL 60612